Hi i am a 21 year old female. I have a normal heart rate and blood pressure and have no history of heart disease. I have a normal weight. Since the past many months i have been experiencing ...

Palpitations and trouble breathing when lying down


Hi i am a 20 year old female. I weigh 130 pounds and my height is 5'6. I have absolutely no history of cardiac diseases. I have a normal blood pressure 110/60 and normal resting heart rate of ...

Sudden painless shock in chest


Hi i am a 20 year old healthy female with a normal bmi, pulse and blood pressure. Recently i started experiencing this weird sinking feeling in my upper chest near my throat that last only a 2 Or ...

Weird sinking feeling


Hi. So i am a healthy 20 year old female with absolutely no history of any sort of cancer. I recently had this problem where the skin of my left nipple went flaky. After all the skin came off it ...

Dry patch on breast


Hi. So being a hypochondriac i regularly check my pulse. I found out that when I check my pulse right after waking up its around 70. But after i have my regular 4 glasses of water and a trip to ...

Heart rate


Hi i am a 20 year old female. Weighing 133 pounds. My height is 5'6. My bp is usually 95/60 and my resting pulse can go as low as 55 however it varies from day to day and can rise upto 65 on ...

Chest pain, pain in left arm shoulder, neck and jaw


Avoid drinking water for atleast half an hour after meals. Take a few sips if really needed. Within a week it will do wonders.



Hi I am a 20 year old female with a normal blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate. However since the past few months I have been having dull pinching sort of chest pain at localised ...

simrah95 commented on simrah95's post mild pain in chest and left arm


Hi I am a 20 year old female with a normal blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate. However since the past few months I have been having dull pinching sort of chest pain at localised ...

mild pain in chest and left arm