Hi susan, thank you for joining, just want to make friends here and make this group a place where females can discuss anything. I dnt rily have friends but i know i can always come here to say ...
I am taking Wellbutrin and citalapam for depression. In the past, Ihave also taken lexapro and xanax. I cannot seem to enjoy anything or force myself to do things that I know I should do. ...
For the last two years I have lived in abusive circumstances. First it was my employer when I was a live in nanny for a single dad with a teenage daughter. He used to rape me regularly and ...
I am 5 months pregnant and it is a wonderful feeling. I am planning on having it naturally. I know what the pain is like but the guy who got me pregnant is no longer involved. I don't know what I ...
I have hjad the need for sex for a long time. when I masterbate I thoight that would help but now I can't stop feeling the need to masterbate and I do it when I can. I have tried to not think ...
I have hjad the need for sex for a long time. when I masterbate I thoight that would help but now I can't stop feeling the need to masterbate and I do it when I can. I have tried to not think ...
According to the Medical Center for Female Sexuality, persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD), also known as persistent sexual arousal syndrome, is a condition occurring in some women where ...
I masturbate when UI can but the need is constant and I have to find a way to do so people can't see.
sexy45 commented on sexy45's post masturbating