krista martel
I am a soon to be 46 year old woman who worked hard her whole life, mostly as a waitress. I fell at work on Sept. 24, 2009 and my whole world changed.
Just a month or so before falling I went to our Clinic because my back had been bothering me and I was getting concerned because it was interrupting my sleep. Our little Clinic did not, at that time , have newer technology and X Rays had to be sent to a Radiologist in Toronto to be read. Before we got the results back I had fallen at work. I fell really hard on my left knee (people sitting in the restaurant could feel it under their feet) and my right leg ended up sideways.
My Dr. took me off work and sent forms to WSIB (workers safety insurance board). The pain was intense and debilitating. I was sent to a Physiotherapist but he didn't want to do too much because I was in alot of pain...I did go back to him a month or so later. At first WSIB was very nice but about 6 weeks in they turned nasty. I was asked " What do you do all day lay on the couch?" They turned out to be Bullies.
In the meantime my Dr. finally received word back from the Radiologist who wanted more Xrays from different angles. They got taken and once again sent away to be reviewed.We received word back that I had Spondylolysis...and more than likely I was born with it.
Before I continue I must tell you that I live in a small farming community in Northwestern Ontario Canada and we only recently have gotten newer bigger technology (CT scanner) and have a bit of a waiting period to get scans done.
I am a 45 year old ( soon to be 46 )woman diagnosed with spondolysis. I am peri-menopausal. My specialist says that I will probably require spinal fusion because all other attempts to ease the ...
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