I have been suffering from vulvar pain for 4 years. Before my pain, I never had any kind of infections, no pain at all. When I first noticed my pain down there, it was only in one area (left side of the vestibule) and it was an irritating, burning pain. I thought I must have some type of infection. My doctor treated me for a bacterial infection, but the pain did not go away. I went to my gynecologist and he did every test and still nothing! I was finally diagnosed with vulvodynia. I am currently taking 50 mg of Amitriptaline every night before I go to bed. It seems to lessen the pain, but I haven't been able to have sexual intercourse in about 2 years! The burning during penetration is too intense. I have been struggling with the physical and emotional pain, but I am lucky to have a wonderful and understanding fiance! I also have recurring bladder or urinary tract infections. My urine feels like fire coming out of me sometimes! I am currently looking into seeing a Urologist to rule out any urinary problems. I hope every woman that reads my story will realize that they are NOT ALONE! And please do not be embarrassed about your condition...there are so many women that are having the same physical and emotional pain and we have to bond together to support and pray for one another!!!
I want to find support for my vulvar pain condition. I'm feeling alone and worried! I'd love to talk to other women that are experiencing this pain.
jessb214 commented on jessb214's post How can I get in touch with women who are suffering with chronic vulvar pain, or vulvodynia?