Dr. Weil introduces himself and discusses whether people without celiac disease can benefit from a gluten-free diet.

Gluten-Free Diet: Can People Without Celiac Disease Benefit From This? - Dr. Weil


Dr. Weil explains if an integrative approach to medicine can help solve America’s health care problems.

Integrative Medicine: Can This Help Solve America’s Health Care Problems? - Dr. Weil

Dr. Weil explains how an anti-inflammatory diet can help prevent disease.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet: How Can This Prevent Disease? - Dr. Weil

Dr. Weil shares the health impact of calcium and vitamin D intake and discusses how much you should take each day.

Calcium And Vitamin D: How Do These Affect My Health? - Dr. Weil

Dr. Weil explains why you should follow an organic diet.

Organic Food: Why Should I Eat This? - Dr. Weil

Dr. Weil discusses how you can prevent heartburn and shares some natural remedies.

Heartburn: How Can I Avoid This And What Are Some Natural Remedies? - Dr. Weil

Dr. Weil explains if your diet affects your skin health.

Skin Health: Does My Diet Affect This? - Dr. Weil

Dr. Weil shares if vegetarian and raw food diets are healthy.

Vegetarian And Raw Food Diets: Are They Healthy? - Dr. Weil

Dr. Weil discusses detoxification and whether or not detox diets are beneficial.

Detox Diets: Are They Beneficial? - Dr. Weil

Dr. Weil explains if you should take vitamins and dietary supplements.

Vitamins And Dietary Supplements: Should I Take These? - Dr. Weil

Dr. Weil describes the integrative approach to mental health treatment.

Mental Health: What Is The Integrative Treatment Approach? - Dr. Weil

Dr. Weil explains how you can reduce menopause symptoms naturally.

Menopause: How Can I Reduce Symptoms Naturally? - Dr. Weil

Dr. Weil describes the association between a woman's diet and her risk for breast cancer.

Breast Cancer And Diet, What Is The Relationship? - Dr. Weil (VIDEO)

Dr. Weil describes the relationship between diet and mental health.

Diet And Mental Health, What Is The Connection? - Dr. Weil (VIDEO)

Dr. Weil introduces himself, explains if certain food can cause inflammation, and shares why women should be concerned about excess inflammation.

Can Food Cause Inflammation? - Dr. Weil (VIDEO)

Dr. Weil describes antioxidants and why they are important for women.

What Are Antioxidants? - Dr. Weil (VIDEO)

Dr. Weil explains free radicals and how they can contribute to cancer.

What Are Free Radicals? - Dr. Weil (VIDEO)

Dr. Weil shares some good sources of omega-3 fatty acids and explains if these omega-3 fatty acids can help treat depression.

Depression, Can This Be Treated With Omega-3 Fatty Acids? - Dr. Weil (VIDEO)

Dr. Weil describes if statins, a cholesterol-lowering medication, can help a woman reduce her risk for cardiovascular disease.

Statins, Can They Lower Women's Risk For Cardiovascular Disease? - Dr. Weil (VIDEO)

Dr. Weil explains how vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are different.

Vitamin D2 And Vitamin D3, How Do They Differ? - Dr. Weil (VIDEO)

Dr. Weil recalls how vitamin D impacts women's health.

Vitamin D, How Does It Contribute To A Woman's Health? - Dr. Weil (VIDEO)

Dr. Weil shares if women should be adding flaxseed to their diet regiments.

Flaxseed, Should It Be Added To Women's Diets? - Dr. Weil (VIDEO)

Dr. Weil explains if women with breast cancer should avoid dairy products.

Breast Cancer Patients, Should They Avoid Dairy? - Dr. Weil (VIDEO)

Dr. Weil describes the long-term risk factors associated with antacid use.

Antacid Use, What Are The Long-Term Risk Factors? - Dr. Weil (VIDEO)