In my last article I discussed how to identify gaslighting and serial liars in your life, differentiating their deceptions from the more consistent reality they deliberately distort. Since such ...

Gaslighting Part II: How to Cope When You Feel Stuck


Recent discussions about fake news, Russian meddling in the US election, the Trump Administration’s “alternative facts” and other topics have thrust a clinical domestic violence term into the ...

Gaslighting Revisited: Toxic People Will Lie to You About Anything


“Mansion in the countryside or penthouse in the city?” “What was your all-time favorite movie growing up?” “Were we to someday meet, what would you be wearing that would tell me who you ...

Sweet Pea Breaks the Dating App Ice


Most millennials who’ve been single awhile nowadays encounter sexts from consenting partners at one time or another, but a 2016 study featured in The Conversation suggests sexting is even more ...

The Sexting Game


One of the last things a new parent needs is the morass of mood disorders that often attend the end of a pregnancy. Yet 15 percent of mothers, and up to 10 percent of fathers, experience sadness ...

Everyone’s Problem: Spotting Postpartum Depression in Both Moms and Dads


The biggest danger for you if you’re afflicted with anal, rectal or colon cancer is not admitting you might have any of them. If you observe blood in your stools, weight loss, abdominal pain, anal ...

Taboo Cancers: Prompt Screening of Symptoms Could Save Your Life


Online dating can be a doozy for anyone, but for women the experience can prove to be especially rewarding or demoralizing. The Tinder Revolution of 2014-15 transformed traditional online dating ...

Beyond the Tindersphere: Online Dating and the Female Experience


Bridging Your Gender Wage GapWomen in all industries still receive an average of 82 cents to a man’s dollar nationally, findings by the US Census Bureau reveal. This is nearly 54 years after the ...

Bridging Your Gender Wage Gap