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I Love Him … I Think ... 11 Signs That Say You’re in Love

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I Love Him … I Think ... 11 Signs That You’re in Love Auremar/PhotoSpin

Is it lust or love? Sometimes it's obvious, other times it can be hard to be tell.

Here are 11 signs that may help you answer that burning question:

1) Your gut tells that this is The One.

"There is usually a telltale sign that lets you know when true love has arrived -– a voice in your head, a sense of recognition or a gut feeling that this is someone special to you," author Reverend Laurie Sue Brockway told The Huffington Post.

2) You truly care about her.

When you're in love with someone you truly care about him and his feelings. You want to know all about him -- who he is, what he thinks and what makes him laugh.

3) You’re an emotional wreck.

Falling in love often leads to emotional and physiological instability. People in love experience everything from a racing heart, exhilaration, euphoria and increased energy to a loss of appetite, sleeplessness and accelerated breathing.

According to LiveScience.com, these mood swings mirror the behavior of drug addicts. Researchers say being in love is a type of addiction.

4) You have great chemistry.

If you don’t have chemistry with her, you can’t be in love with her. If the two of you always seem to be on the same wavelength, and think similarly, that's a sign of love.

5) You’re obsessed.

On average, people who are in love say that they spend more than 85 percent of their waking hours thinking about their partner, said LiveScience.com.

6) You see him in your future.

Not only do you want to spend time with him this weekend, but you also want to see him a year from now.

7) You’d do anything for her.

People who are in love generally feel a powerful sense of empathy toward their beloved. They feel each other’s pain and are willing to sacrifice anything for each other.

8) You love spending time with him.

You look forward to seeing him, and it doesn’t matter what you two will be doing. And when you're not together, you miss him.

9) The physical chemistry is intense.

The electricity that you feel doesn't just happen on a sexual level. Even holding the hand of your love can throw you into a whirlwind.

10) It's not just about sex.

While the desire for sex is important to people in love, the craving for emotional union is just as important.

11) What Ex?

If you had any thoughts about your previous love at the beginning of this new relationship, they’re long gone now.


Borresen, Kelsey. "9 Signs You've Found Your Soulmate (If You Believe In That Sort Of Thing)." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com. Web. 8 Feb. 2015.

Carlson, Jonathan. "Top 10: Signs You're In Love." AskMen. Web. 8 Feb. 2015.

Kramer, Jillian. "10 Signs You're Falling in Love." Glamour. Web. 8 Feb. 2015.

Staff. "13 Scientifically Proven Signs You're in Love." LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 10 Feb. 2012. Web. 8 Feb. 2015.

Reviewed February 12, 2015
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith

Keywords: love, chemistry

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