Written by Dr. Marianne Brandon, Diplomat of Sex Therapy through AASECT, site director
The Time Magazine cover of a 3-year-boy standing on a small chair breastfeeding (May 21, 2012) to illustrate the article on attachment parenting explored controversial topics that all parents must wrestle with. For example, how important is continued breastfeeding and co-sleeping (children sleeping in the parents bed), and at what age do these behaviors become inappropriate? These questions have been long-debated by pediatricians and parenting experts. But one aspect—sex-- seems to be repeatedly neglected from these discussions. That is, are there sexual ramifications of attachment parenting behaviors on mother and child? What’s sex got to do with breastfeeding?
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Apparently, no one was reading Time which is exactly why the editors published it. It was like dumping gasoline all over a simmering fire and then throwing a match on it. We all know what you get. A hell of an explosion. And we all proved we were lemmings. Meanwhile, all of the marketing executives and editors are high fiving each other backstage. I talk about the end of my role as a lemming here:
July 3, 2012 - 12:28pm
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