An estimated 35 to 50 percent of perimenopausal women suffer sudden waves of body heat with sweating and flushing that last between 5 and 10 minutes. When these happen at night, during sleep, they’re often referred to as night sweats. They can be present throughout perimenopause and continue for a year or two after menopause. In up to 10 percent of women, they persist for years beyond that.
If you find yourself waking at night, sweating as if you just ran a marathon, try these helpful tips to reduce your discomfort and increase your sleep.
Perimenopause: Rocky Road To Menopause. Harvard Health. Retrieved December 7, 2015.
Knowing The Triggers of Hot Flashes. Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved December 7, 2015.
What Are The Effects of Alcohol On The Brain? Scientific American. Retrieved December 7, 2015.
The effect of stress on core and peripheral body temperature in humans. US National Library of Medicine. Retrieved December 7, 2015.
Reviewed December 8, 2015
By Philip Sarrel, M.D. and Lorna Sarrel, M.S.
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