Tumescent liposuction: The most commonly-used technique, it uses local anesthesia. The area is infiltrated with a dilute lidocaine solution and a capillary constricting drug (epinephrine). A cannula is used to separate fat cells which are then suctioned out of the body. This combination of medications provides long-lasting pain relief in the hours after the procedure.
Vaser liposuction: Uses ultrasound high frequency vibration to break fat cells apart instead of a cannula to move the fat cells apart. The fat is then suctioned out using a smaller cannula. It is considered to be gentler than tumescent liposuction.
Non-invasive liposuction: Uses low light therapy to stimulate the fat cells to release their contents into the body, which are then used as energy. Since the fat cells are not actually removed, there is no recovery time needed.
Non-surgical liposuction: There are two main techniques – chemical injection and thermage (laser). Chemical injection, as ...
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Oh, so the most commonly used one is tumescent liposuction? I read some more details about liposuction here at http://www.drronaldlevine.com/procedures/body-contouring/liposuction/ . There also it mentions about the same tumescent one. It is good if the patient can go home the same day after procedure!
July 31, 2014 - 3:23amThis Comment