Each women is different, and with that, her health is different. Each one will however experience menopause, not just the musical, but all of the hormonal changes that come with the condition.
A new study has found that one of the major symptoms of menopause, hot flashes, are even more diverse among women than we originally thought— and can last much longer.
“Hot flashes can continue for as long as 14 years, and the earlier they begin the longer a woman is likely to suffer,” said The New York Times, referring to a study by JAMA Internal Medicine. 14 years is more than double the previously reported statistic of hot flashes lasting six years on average.
I was pleased to see that more information is being discovered regarding menopause and hot flashes, as it is a major topic of interest for me. I was also excited to see the diversity of participants in this study. It was the largest study to date regarding hot flashes, and it made for some really interesting facts on the length of hot flashes in relation to race.
“African-Americans reported the longest-lasting symptoms, continuing for a median of 10.1 years — twice the median duration of Asian women’s symptoms. The median for Hispanic women was 8.9 years; for non-Hispanic whites, 6.5 years,” reported the New York Times. The difference in symptoms in races is clear, but it is unsure why exactly.
The article included another fact that very few women, especially young women, know. Hot flashes can occur when you’re still getting your period. Plus, if you start getting hot flashes at a young age, you’ll experience the symptoms of menopause for a longer period of time. There’s no fun in those facts, but it’s important to know them!
This study was a step in the right direction regarding menopause, hot flashes and our development as women. Take some time to educate yourself on the findings, as well as check out some of our articles on menopause, and how to cope with it.
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