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Anna Portela: Remedies for Emotional Eating

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Recently I read an article titled "End Emotional Eating" in the December/January edition of Natural Healing magazine, and was surprised to find that the writer Aviva Patz recommended 3 minutes of meditation a day in order to overcome eating for emotional comfort.

The meditation was simple enough, and is derived from the book "Emotional Freedom" by Judith Orloff, M.D. It goes like this: Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Inhale and exhale very slowly and try to concentrate on your breath; this will keep distracting thoughts at bay. Judith goes on to state "Practice this visualization: Breathe in light and clarity; breathe out stress. Breathe in vitality; breathe out fear and worry."

The article continues by noting there are 3 steps you can take to stop eating in order to fill an emotional void. The first step is to ask yourself questions such as are you really physically hungry, what are your feelings, did you have an unpleasant interaction with someone that is causing stress, and what can you do that will take the place of eating.

Step 2 involves taking notes and keeping a record of when you seem to be eating for emotional satisfaction.

And step 3 consists of finding solutions, of which meditation is one. Saying mantras such as "Let it be" or "Peace" will get you through difficult moments. Of course going outside and exercising is calming, most healthy, and will help quell emotional cravings for food. I highly recommend walking, for it is a way to achieve life long tranquility and a sense of balance.

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