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A New Dawn Coalition for Thyroid Awareness Join this Group

Interesting Read. . .

By January 7, 2012 - 3:20pm


Gives you a little insight into the difference between just plain tired and thyroid tired.

I know when my thyroid is off; I can feel it in my legs the most. When I have those good days, I can jump for joy at how great all my muscles feel, like they are finally alive again! I feel strong, and ready to tackle the world, yet most days they feel like jello :)

Happy Reading!

EmpowHER Guest
By Anonymous January 29, 2012 - 5:42pm
Hi Auntlello1, It's true when thyroid levels are off your whole body doesn't feel the same. Thanks for sharing. https://www.empowher.com/condition/thyroid-conditions Best, Daisy January 29, 2012 - 5:42pm

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To explore and discuss the different treatments available for thyroid disorders, and to connect to and learn from other sufferers of the impact the thyroid can have on your everyday life.


Rockford, IL


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