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Why is it that invisible illnesses are so disbelieved, or not believed and made fun of.

By June 3, 2012 - 11:52am

I find that so often people do not believe what they cannot see. I wonder why? Just because something can't be seen doesn't make it unreal. Pain is one of those things. Invisible but real. The degree of which cannot be proved or disproved. Yet doctors and pharmaceutical companies make millions on it. And millions and millions of people suffer from it. Yet there are many, many people who don't believe one is in pain or to what degree one is in pain. I know this is going nowhere. There is no answer for this one. There are many chronic diseases that have invisible symptoms that some people question. Why? Say, Myasthenia Gravis. Your eyes get tired and close involuntarily, your muscles become weak and you cannot walk as fast or as long, your arms are so tired you can hardly comb your hair or lift your arms above your head, and people wonder, "What's wrong with her? She can't get that can off the shelf?" "She looks OK to me." Why is that young, normal looking person riding in the electric cart in the store? Little do they know it is hard to breathe when you exert yourself. Or your legs are so weak you can't walk through the store and get your shopping done, too. I raise these questions to raise people's awareness of invisible issues. I tell you, they are real. Don't mock or question another's invisible problems. They are suffering enough without the stares and whispers. They hurt too; almost as much as the illnesses themselves. So be kind and compassionate toward each other. It would make for a nicer world for those silent sufferers. Thank you. bbnrse

EmpowHER Guest
By Anonymous June 3, 2012 - 1:18pm
Hi bbnrse, Welcome to EmpowHER. Thanks sharing this information. Am sure many will benefit from it. Best, DaisyJune 3, 2012 - 1:18pm

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Living with largely invisible chronic illness is unique. You have all the medical issues, but you also confront a presumption that an illness that can't be seen can't really be that bad. Employers, schools, family, friends, and even doctors don't always "get it." This is a place to come where you have nothing to prove.


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