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Living with Chronic Illness Join this Group

Doing something for yourself when others can't see your chronic illnesses and problems.

By April 20, 2012 - 11:48am

Today I did something for me!. I went shopping at Wal-Mart, which is an almost weekly occurance. But today was different. I went into the store with my walker and went over to customer service and asked them if they would watch my walker for me while I shopped using the electric wheelchair. I went around the store leisurely, shopping and looking a lot longer than usual, because I was not exhausted and I could breathe! I feel pretty good this afternoon and I never feel this good after going out. It feels good to do something for yourself sometimes. Yesterday was so tragic, medically speaking. I was so exhausted, short of breath, weak and totally fatigued so much so I could not even sit up, that today after "treating" myself to a most logical thing to do I am planning on doing it much more often! Thanks for listening. bbnrse

EmpowHER Guest
By Anonymous June 3, 2012 - 2:33pm
Hi bbnrse, Thanks for sharing your story with us. I'm sure this will help many In finding support and answers from others feeling the same. Best, DaisyJune 3, 2012 - 2:33pm

Group Leader

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Living with largely invisible chronic illness is unique. You have all the medical issues, but you also confront a presumption that an illness that can't be seen can't really be that bad. Employers, schools, family, friends, and even doctors don't always "get it." This is a place to come where you have nothing to prove.


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