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Infertility, Fibramialgia chronic pelvic pain Join this Group

Chronic Pelvic Pain after Ovulation

By December 28, 2011 - 12:24am

I had an ectopic pregnancy about an year ago.Since then I have been having recurring pelvic pain each month after ovulation.The pain at times feels like an open wound just under the belly button other times it feels like pus in a wound. I have been to see the gyn and after a pelvic scan nothing was detected but the pain is so constant makes me dread every time I ovulate.Iam not even sure I can conceive, the ectopic pregnancy scared me I don't think Iam willing to go through the pain.Any help will be so much appreciated.

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disscusions about infertility and chronic pelvic pain fibramialia.. i suffer in to much pain and have no clue and so many doctors just give up on me and just get tired of me and this pain is very real ........


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