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Eating healthy on vacation

By June 20, 2013 - 8:19am

Eating healthy on vacation is another challenge for me. I am in Florida now and the last three days I was - let’s say - less than perfect with my food choices. It is hard. How do you deal with food temptations while on vacation? Is it possible?

By HERWriter August 6, 2013 - 11:25am

Eating healthy on vacation is very difficult for me. 

I just came back from a week of vacation in Virginia Beach with my boyfriend's family. It is most difficult to control what I eat while on vacation with them because every meal is planned out for us. 

I pretty much failed at portion control last week so to compensate, this week my boyfriend and I are doing a 3-day juice cleanse to get our bodies back in check. Juice cleanses are my favorite way to jump-start my metabolism again and lose a couple pounds that I may have gained from out-of-control vacation eating. 

I did get a nice tan though!

August 6, 2013 - 11:25am

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The purpose of this group is to help others who are dealing with the same issues as me. Since I lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off, I believe I am in the position to be able to offer hope to others. I hope that by showing what works for me, I will be able to help you lose weight with no complicated formulas, without exercise, and most important without feeling hungry. My intention is to share with you that it is absolutely doable.


New York


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