Is steroid therapy right for you?
With the increasing use of steroids, a common question arises that is this steroid therapy right for you or not. Nowadays, a lot of people out there use steroid for enhancing their sex drive, gain muscle and most importantly, gain weight.
However, most of the people do not even know about steroids properly. They do not know how steroid works, how it affect and how it improve muscle or weight or sex drive. Also, they even do not know its side effects and the other problems it can lead to. That is why I am writing this article, so that you can know about it and you can decide this a right therapy for you or not.
Before starting I want to tell you two things. If you want to know in details about steroids then you have to research on it and the best site to do research about it is roidvisor. Here you will find a lot of articles, news, and videos about steroids.
And the second thing is that you should not take any kind of steroids without consulting your doctor. Since it has some serious side effects and it is a common risk factor of many vital as well as chronic diseases, it will not be a right decision to take it without consulting a doctor.
Now let’s talk about its side effect so that you can decide yourself you should use it or not. Here we go -
> Men may face these problem
> Infertility
> Prominent breast
> Enlargement of Prostate gland
> Shrunken testicles
Not only men face problems for steroids. There are a lot of problems that women might face for using steroids. Here are some of those -
> Deeper voice. This can be irreversible
> Enlarged clitoris. This might be irreversible as well.
> Excessive body hair
> Baldness
> Absent or infrequent periods.
These are the common women problem of using steroids. Along with that, there are some other problems that both men and women can face if they use steroids -
> Acne problem
> Tumor inside the liver
> High blood pressure
> Blood borne problem
> Blockage on the heart
> Other heart related problem
> Stroke
> Dementia
> Depression
> Anxiety
> Stress
> Mood swing
> Increase LDL, low-density lipoprotein which is the major risk factors of heart related diseases
> Decrease HDL, high density lipoprotein which decrease the chance of heart related diseases
> Aggressive behavior
> Other infectious diseases
These are the major problems you might face due to use of steroids.
Is it addictive?
Yes. It is addictive. After using it for a long time, it can be addictive and you might not survive without this. You will be totally dependable on it. You cannot live a single a day without it if you become addicted.
Final talk-is it a right therapy for you?
Now you tell me that it is good for you or not. Obviously it is not good for you. However, you might need this one. But only doctors and physicians can tell you that you need it or not. So consult a doctor ad then decide you should use it or not.