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What is Standing Between You and Your Dentist?

By March 28, 2015 - 10:04am

A lot of people overlook the importance of dental care. Most of us don’t consider it a priority, but we all know the consequences of poor dental health. Gum disease is the most prevalent disease in the United States with more than 40 millions adults suffering from it. Gum disease is also the major cause of tooth loss. So, with this being the case, why is it that so many adults never see a dentist?

If you don’t want to end up toothless in your senior days, let’s dig deeper into the reasons why you may be avoiding paying your dentist a visit.

1. You’re scared.

About 5 percent to 8 percent of Americans don’t want to go to a dentist because they’re scared, and it’s easy to understand why. Who would want to go through all the sharp tools, drills, suction devices, and pain that you’re going to endure in a dental visit, right? But this “fear” of dentists, or dental phobia, is a major misconception. Over the years, dentists have developed various techniques and technologies that make dental treatments more comfortable, painless and quick, such as sedation dentistry. You also don’t need to undergo any major dental treatments if you regularly get a dental check-up because your dentist will be able to recognize the early signs of tooth and gum problems and treat them before they get worse.

2. You don’t have enough money.

While it is true that some dental procedures are quite expensive, you won’t have to get these if you take good care of your teeth. A regular check-up, cleaning and X-ray will cost around $200-$400, and you only need to have these twice every year, which adds up to $400-$800 annually. That’s a pretty low price if you consider the benefits of regular dental care. If you opt to pass on the semi-annual check-ups, you may end up needing more expensive (and painful) treatments like root canal treatment ($500-$1,000) and tooth extraction ($500-$800).

3. You’re too busy.

We’re all busy. People these days are focused on their careers and families. But did you know that you can end up wasting more time if you don’t get regular dental care? Having a painful tooth can stop you from going to work or enjoying the day with your kids. Most people also find that they need to take sick leave after a major dental treatment. You may end up spending more down time compared to just paying a one-hour visit to your dentist every six months.

4. You don’t think it’s important.

People might think they won’t really lose a tooth when they experience bleeding gums or dental pain, but these are some of the early signs of gum disease and you will definitely lose a tooth if you don’t get it treated right away. Even if you don’t lose a tooth, you will end up getting root canal treatment or gum surgery if you don’t pay attention to your dental problems.

5. You can’t find a good dentist.

It’s not easy to find a reliable and genuinely caring dental professional, but you need to make an effort to search for one. Emergency dentist in Colorado Springs for example, provides a wide range of dental services to patients of all ages, including children and seniors. One way to help you decide on a dentist is to read reviews about dental clinics to find out what other patients thought about their services. A dentist’s website will give you an introduction to the practice and the dental staff.

So you see, it’s even more practical to get regular dental check-up instead of just going to the dentist when you feel pain in your mouth. With regular dental care and maintenance, you can avoid the expenses of invasive dental treatments and you won’t have to endure the pain, either. You can avoid the downtime caused by painful tooth problems. You can save money, time and energy if you get regular dental care and you will be able to overcome your fear of dentists, too.

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