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Four Steps to Managing Your Oral Health

By April 30, 2015 - 8:52am

Caring for your oral health before you visit the dentist is extremely important because when you stay on top of your dental health properly, there should be no surprises when you sit in that chair every six months. Practicing simple, good oral hygiene is the best way to ensure that you will be able to manage your oral health before going to the dentist and will also ensure that you stay away from extractions and oral surgery in Totowa.

Floss Once Each Day
Flossing at least once a day, every day, is the best way to ensure that there are no food or bacteria particles hiding in between your teeth. You can floss or brush first, it does not really matter, but flossing first is a good idea so you can brush away all the negative components in your mouth. Flossing gets those pesky areas that your toothbrush cannot, so it’s important to floss at least once.

Take approximately 20 inches of floss and wind it around your middle fingers while gripping it with your forefingers and your thumbs. Guide it between your teeth with somewhat of a rubbing motion while curving it against your teeth. Never snap it into your gums because that will create some damage and bleeding.

If you don’t like using floss, try using a plastic or wooden pick. You could use a special brush or stick designed to clean in between your teeth. There are many different methods of flossing you can try until you find the one that’s best for you. Water or air flossers also work well if you don’t like to floss.

Brush Twice a Day
Brushing your teeth twice a day is the best way to manage your oral health before visiting the dentist every six months because it’s something you must do. Each time you brush your teeth, take care that you do it properly. Take all the time you need to ensure that you’ve done a thorough job while using a fluoride toothpaste with a toothbrush that has soft bristles. Brush at least two minutes every time and at a 45 degree angle.

If you feel it’s necessary and need more coverage, try using a battery or electric-operated toothbrush. These types of brushes reduce gingivitis and plaque a lot more than a traditional brush would with manual brushing. They are quite helpful for people who are suffering from arthritis, for example, and other people who cannot brush properly because of a joint problem.

Hold your brush at an angle slightly and aim the bristles towards areas where the gum line meets your teeth, and gently brush in a back and forth motion. Brush inside, outside and on the chewing surfaces of each tooth and don’t forget about your tongue when you’re finished. You should replace your toothbrush or the head of you battery or electric-operated toothbrush every four months or when the bristles have frayed.

Invest in a Proper Mouthwash
Use a mouthwash, along with daily flossing and brushing, that contains an antimicrobial aspect to it. You could also use a mouthwash that includes fluoride. Mouthwash on top of good oral health habits is a great idea, especially when you are on the go and do not have time to floss or brush.

Take a small amount of whatever mouthwash you choose and swish it around in your mouth for about 30 seconds. If your mouth starts to burn a little, do not worry, that just means it’s working. Practicing great oral hygiene habits will ensure that you stay away from extractions and oral surgery in Brea.

Oral Irrigators
If you’re looking to really step up your oral health game, then try an oral irrigators. These helpful tools use a stream of water in and on your teeth to help remove food bits that have become lodged in your teeth, and cannot be removed by brushing or flossing. They are also helpful as an extra method after you have flossed, brushed and used mouthwash to help remove anything you have missed. However, using an oral irrigator does not replace your daily oral hygiene habits because it does not remove plaque.

Keep Up With Proper Oral Hygiene
By keeping up with great oral hygiene, your dentist will be extremely happy and you can be sure that your mouth will be as healthy as it can be. Practicing the above habits will keep your worries about oral health problems, such as cavities, away.

Meta description: Four steps can keep the dental visit pleasant.

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