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8 Gum Disease Signs You Should Know About

By March 29, 2022 - 9:11am

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a serious oral infection that results from bacteria accumulating on your gums. It causes the bone and gums around the teeth to move away from them, ultimately exacerbating the problem. This generates tiny gum pockets where food residue and germs accumulate, leading to a dangerous infection. The pockets get larger, causing the tooth to loosen and fall out over time.

Luckily, if you catch gum disease early enough, you can start treating it and eliminating the infection before losing the tooth or having surgery to restore the tissue and bone around it. Keep reading to discover the seven signs you may have gum disease.

1. Your gums bleed after brushing
Bleeding gums is one of the very first indicators of gingivitis and gum disease. Take the time to figure out where the blood on your toothbrush came from if you notice any after brushing your teeth. It isn't exactly a sign of gum disease, but it is an indication that something is not right.

2. Swelling and tenderness in your gums
Consult your dental specialist ASAP if your gums hurt when you eat or are swollen. Early action is particularly important if the swelling lasts a few days. Swelling is abnormal and generally indicates the presence of an infection.

3. Bad breath
In some cases, bad bread can result from the foods you consume, a decaying tooth, or other conditions. But sometimes it can be an indication of gum disease, particularly if it is chronic. While waiting for it to subside, don't try to mask it with gum or mints as it won’t help if an infection is the cause. Bacteria near the back of the tongue is also a common cause of bad breath. Hence, using a tongue scraper after cleaning your teeth will significantly reduce the unpleasant smell.

4. Unpleasant taste in the mouth
A constant unpleasant taste in your mouth is a sign of gum disease and is frequently accompanied by bad breath. Once more, food or other factors could be to blame, but if the problem persists, you should seek medical attention.

5. Gum recession
When your gums begin to pull away from your teeth, this is another indicator that you have gum disease. Start searching for other signs of gum disease if you realize that a larger portion of your teeth is now becoming visible.

6. Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity is a condition in which your teeth are extremely sensitive to hot and cold foods and beverages, resulting in a sharp ache during every meal. This problem often stems from infected gums that have pulled back from the teeth. Gum recession exposes the tooth roots, leaving them more sensitive to changes in mouth temperature and pressure.

7. Loose teeth
If your teeth are wobbly or feel loose, you might have advanced gum disease. In such a case, consult an experienced dental specialist immediately to preserve your dental health and avoid further complications.

8. Sudden changes in your bite
If your teeth no longer fit together or bite down as well as they used to, it's possible that gum disease has caused some of them to shift. You may notice that your partial dentures don't fit quite correctly if you wear them.

The bottom line
Keep in mind that the faster you identify gum disease, the higher are your chances of preserving your dental health. Hence, if you notice anything unusual with your teeth or gums, try doing your best and act quickly to stop the problem from progressing and causing issues with your overall health.

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