Tested positive for HER2NEU
Hello All,
I am very new to this website and forum. I got the information for this website from sirus fm while travelling.I was listening the conversation and thought this is the better place to ask. Last week only I got information that my mother-in-law has been tested positive for breast cancer. Her age is 54. Here are the details from her report.
1st Page report
Carcinoma right breast.
ER - Negative
PR - Negative
Her2Neu - 3+ positivity
2nd page report
Clinical impression :
Specimen: FNAC Right Breast
Received seven fixed smears.
Smears show clusters of malignant cells with dense nuclei and scanty to moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.
Imp:- Smears are consistent with a carcinoma breast
3rd Page report
Clinical impression :
Specimen: Right modified radical mastectomy
Received specimen of right breast measuring 21 x 14 x 5cm with axillary pad of fat measuring 10 x 8 x 4cm. Elliptical piece of skin measures 19 x 9cm.,. The nipple appears retracted. Cut surface shows multiple grey brown, firm to hard nodules with irregular margins extending throughout the breast parenchyma. Tumour measures 14cm in maximum dimension. Tumour is 0.5cm from the posterior resected margin. Identified 40 nodes from the axillary pad of fat largest measuring 2.5cm.
Sections from the right modified radical mastectomy specimen shows a grade II moderately differentiated invasive ductal carcinoma, NOS with a maximum dimension of 14cm (pT3)-lymphovascular invasion is noted. 19 lymphnodes out of a total of 40 lymphnodes examined show tumour (pN3). The skin and deep margin (0.5cm clear) show no tumour involvement.
Right modified radical mastectomy specimen - Grade II moderately differentiated invasive ductal carcinoma, NOS, pT3N3cMx. Deep margin is clear.
Can someone explain me about this and if someone survived the breast cancer with the same level then please let me know how can we take care of person suffering with this cancer.
Hi Susan,
Thanks for prompt reply. I went through the link you provided for diet.The page told me all information that I want. Yes, I am giving her everything fresh. For safer side I told her to reduce meat products or not to eat at all and avoid greasy food that may high her cholesterol because they may potentially increase threat to other disease. I keep reviewing her everyday about any pain or anything abnormal she is feeling after surgery. Yes I planning to go along with her for all checkups as per doctor appointments. I need to take care of her like kid keep asking, giving her food and medicine on time, telling her to do and not to do, giving her all positive hope and commitments from me because she is scared little bit. I keep telling mom it is curable, But after that my eyes are full of tears because I am thinking this is the time she enjoy after working whole life. Sorry for being so personal in this post. But this community is doing great for me and giving me all positive direction to bring her back from this bad time. Once again thanks Susan.
This Comment
Thanks Susan for your reply. I am trying every possible way to take care for her. I just wanted to take help from this community people. I saw the dedication over here to fight and create awareness towards this cancer. I think you and all the community people can tell me or say guide me towards how I can take care of her during her tough time. I understand you cannot tell me in detail about the report. I just send the report to cancer center and they told me to bring her to cancer center. I am not worried for anything but the only reason for worry is what I should do to bring her out from this. I just want to know all small things need to think like dietary control, exercise and other precautionary measure need to take for her. Once again thanks for guidance.
October 11, 2012 - 6:55pm
I'm so sorry your family is going through this. I'm a Her2Neu positive survivor. Please feel free to check out my blog at www.baldisbetterwithearrings.com and you may find some helpful tips to get her through treatments, etc. Best of luck.
October 10, 2013 - 4:25pmThis Comment