How to Participate in a Twitter Chat #BeautyStartsInside
Shana O'Connor
April 15, 2013 - 10:36am
Here are some tips to participate in a Twitter Chat!
- Use the specified chat hashtag to participate. In this case it's #BeautyStartsInside.
- Use chat software such as TweetChat to make participating easy. On Tweetchat you simply login with your Twitter account, enter the Twitter hashtag and voila you see what everyone using that hashtag is saying. It also automatically tags all your tweets with the hashtag so you can focus on the chat. Here is the link to the Tweet Chat room for #BeautyStartsInside:
- Introduce yourself when you enter the chat, even if you are only listening.
- Follow the question and answer format - we will be asking 5 questions!
- Be prepared to share links to articles and blog posts that you think will help the audience.
- Invite others to join the chat. It’s a great way to connect others in your network and bring value to your network.
- Retweet chat tweets that are helpful, but don’t simply retweet the whole time. Create some original comments too.
- Say thank you to the host and people you found helpful during the chat.