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What is the trick for instagram stories screenshot undetected?

By April 19, 2024 - 10:03am

While there isn't a guaranteed method to screenshot Instagram Stories undetected, there are a few tricks you can try to avoid alerting the person whose Story you're capturing:

Airplane Mode: Before opening the Story you want to screenshot, turn on Airplane Mode on your device. This disables your internet connection, preventing Instagram from sending a notification to the Story owner when you take a screenshot. After taking the screenshot, close the Instagram app and disable Airplane Mode.

Use Another Device: You can use a second device, like a camera or another smartphone, to take a photo of the Instagram Story instead of directly screenshotting it. This way, there's no digital footprint left on the original device.

Third-Party Apps: There are some third-party apps and screen recording tools that claim to allow you to capture Instagram Stories without notifying the user. However, be cautious when using these, as they may violate Instagram's terms of service and could potentially lead to your account being suspended or banned.

Remember, respecting other users' privacy and boundaries is important in any online interaction. If you're unsure whether it's appropriate to screenshot someone's Story, it's best to ask for their permission first.

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