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The Mind - Dr. Pamela Peeke's Three M's To A Healthier Body After Menopause - Part 1

By Expert HERWriter
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Dr. Pamela Peeke, nationally recognized expert in fitness and nutrition shares the first of her "Three M's" - The Mind - and how if you follow them you too can have a healthier body after menopause.

Dr. Pam Peeke: Now look honey, perimenopause and menopause is challenging enough. What we do not want to do is really have to stress over what is going with our body shape, which is really distressing for a lot of women when suddenly they cannot fit into anything, they will feel right and you got the belly thing. Maybe for the first time in your life, easy solutions.

The first solution is you have absolutely got to remember my little three Ms, they are my template, and they are in all my books, mind, mouth and muscle. I like alliteration because it makes it memorable.

The first piece is mind, the stress thing. If you are not meditating, you are not getting what you need. You need to be able to mentally focus everyday get centered. There are lots of forms of meditation out there but we have now found that with really great science were looking specifically at transcendental meditation and mindfulness meditation that you could really help augment, that means help, support, and grow and strengthen the part of the brain you really want to be right on focus with and that is your pre-frontal cortex where executive function takes place, want to able to rain in impulsivity, irritability, impatience, the three Is, want to able to stay focused, vigilant, want to able to stay organized, strategic, these are all good things.

So by being able to meditate right of the bed, you can help yourself do this. We now have strong signs that show you can do this. It also includes something we called neurogenesis, which help should build up some more brain cells, like that, bigger brains, who does not like that.

Now the good news is all of these things I am telling you mind, mouth and muscle, all help you optimize your body composition. Bring down your body fat percentage, supporting excellent muscle and bone and at the same time giving you the freedom to be able to get out there and do what you need to do to have fun. To perform professionally whatever you do in your work, to be able to optimize all of the dreams that you have professionally and personally because you are mentally and physically fit enough to do it and at the end of the day, you can zip up those jeans too finally because everything I just told you gives you a body composition that works.

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