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Think and Grow Rich for Women – An Interview with Author Sharon Lechter

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Think and Grow Rich for Women -- Author Sharon Lechter Interviewed Photo: EmpowHER

From celebrating women’s accomplishments to propelling women forward, Sharon Lechter’s new book, "Think and Grow Rich for Women" is a must read. In a recent interview, Lechter herself acknowledged that since young adulthood, the original "Think and Grow Rich" written by Napoleon Hill has impacted her personal and professional life.

She was asked by The Napoleon Hill Foundation to progress the book’s teaching with a modern approach to the challenges and triumphs of women. Lechter applies her expertise and life lessons to this encore edition. She enhances each chapter with a Sisterhood Mastermind, which includes insightful quotes from successful women.

When picking up this book, women will put down the gavel often used to judge themselves and notoriously other women. Healthy patterns both in mind and spirit are encouraged with each chapter ending in an Ask Yourself section to promote personal growth.

EmpowHER Chairman and Founder Michelle King Robson is highlighted in Lechter’s book as an advocate for women’s health. In addition to Michelle’s incredible advocacy and successful creation of EmpowHER, this book celebrates the advancement and impact other women have made nationally and globally.

Those accomplishments include the positive changes in education, the economy, and the corporate and entrepreneurial worlds. Statistics on the progress women have made in areas such as education are also mentioned. “In 2013, 140 women graduated with a college degree at some level for every hundred men.”

And we are starting to close the gap in pay significantly for women, with women in their early 20s now making approximately 93 percent of men’s earnings as compared to those approaching retirement who are only reaching about 75 percent.

Burning Desire

This book encourages female collaboration, mentoring and giving back without expecting anything in return. In its first chapter, following the format of the original "Think and Grow Rich," Lechter asks us to find our “Burning Desire.” She elaborates saying, “it could be a personal, business, financial, physical, or spiritual goal.”

Like Hill, she debunks the evil connotation money can often conjure up and replaces it with one of “money consciousness.” She focuses on what good money can do in making one who acquires it “more generous,” giving Mother Teresa as her prime example.

Lechter underscores the importance of love and compassion meshed with monetary contributions. Her tireless, selfless and philanthropic efforts are, in Lechter’s words, “proof positive that one woman can change the world!”


Mother Teresa, as well as many others who have made their mark on changing the world, are women of tremendous faith. As Lechter highlights in her second chapter, having faith within you is the foundation. “When addressing the importance of faith, acknowledgement needs to be given to the forces that work against it – worry, anxiety, and self-doubt,” she said.

Lechter addresses the underlying reasons for such negative forces, which in many cases for women could be caused by depression. She also mentions a life-changing quote that addresses how worry can dampen one’s faith: “To worry is to pray for what you do NOT want.”

The origin of most negative forces, which are catalysts to faith, have everything to do with our brain and how it works. In particular, the functionality of a women’s brain can be severely impacted by hormone imbalance, especially during menopause, Lechter said.

“This is an important topic to understand especially for professional women at the height of their career,” she said.

EmpowHER’s Michelle King Robson

EmpowHER’s Michelle King Robson is highlighted in this section of Lechter’s book, sharing how her personal experience with hormone imbalance turned to triumph. After getting an unnecessary hysterectomy at age 42, Robson experienced the ill effects of unbalanced hormones. She was then inspired to create EmpowHER so no other women would have to “suffer as she had.”

“I got sick, I got well, and then I got mad,” she said.

According to Robson, a lot of hormone- and stress-related issues can lead to sleeplessness, brain fog and even cause women to turn to alcohol to cope.

Through EmpowHER, Robson is motivated “to drive innovation and change in patient experience, health-care delivery, and development and approval of health improving, life-changing medicine, treatments, and procedures for women around the world.”

Instead of staying angry after she got sick, Robson chose to lead with advocacy and purpose, impacting the health, awareness and lives of women everywhere.

Dr. Pamela Peeke and the Female Brain

EmpowHER’s Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. Pamela Peeke, M.D., is also highlighted in "Think and Grow Rich for Women." Her research on the female brain supports the significance that positive behaviors have on the accomplishments of successful women.

Peeke’s analysis states, “While men are more likely to be task-oriented, less communicative, and operate in isolation, women focus on creating solutions that work for a group, enhancing communication, and demonstrating empathy.”

One Big Life

Lechter’s closing chapter "One Big Life," is one that will leave you both driven toward the future and forgiving of the current life you lead. So many women have a “negative emotion” -- guilt -- robbing them of their quality of life and time. She said there is constant pursuit toward the myth of balance that often facilitates guilt.

Lechter quotes Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary definition of balance as, “the ability to remain in a position without losing control or falling.” She then humorously asks, “When do women ever remain in one position?”

With our lives in constant motion, Lechter said both our personal and professional lives are going to impact each other and create what she calls “One Big Life.” In our interview, Lechter advised women that there can be ill effects caused by the desperate quest for balance because “obsessing over something that has not happened can cause mental and physical stress as well.”

Resonating advice to “STOP THE ARGUING!” can be applied to everything from, “the mommy wars” to deciding who does household chores, and even the important issue of workplace gender inequality.

Instead, Lechter said, focus on the positive. She advises that, “Each and every day, you have the opportunity to change your destiny. You can choose to have ONE BIG LIFE!”

Click here to purchase your copy of "Think and Grow Rich for Women."


Sharon Lechter Interview. 18 June 16, 2014.

Think and Grow Rich For Women, 2014.

Joanne Sgro-Killworth is a Television Fitness Expert, Certified Personal Trainer and Sport Nutritionist and Publicist. She is Certified in Pilates, Pre-natal/Post-Partum, Yoga and Senior Fitness. She specializes in Weight Loss, Post-Rehab and Post Cancer Training.

Joanne's fitness plans, recipes and lifestyle advice are available globally on her website http://www.happiwoman.com/ She resides in the Phoenix, AZ area with her husband and son, where she runs her fitness and publicity business, JSK PR http://www.jskpr.com/

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EmpowHER Guest

Great article Joanne! Sounds like this book is a must read and I love how you wrote the story. I'm honored to be a part of a book that talks about how women should help women. Napoleon Hill believed in the collective. Together is better! Sharon takes the "collective" to a whole new level.
Thank you Sharon for writing Think and Grow Rich for Women. Your timing couldn't be any better. XO MKR

June 25, 2014 - 1:32pm
HERWriter (reply to Anonymous)

Thank you, Michelle and Sharon!  To say it was a pleasure to write this article is an understatement.  It was a treat and what women doesn't like a treat.  I have gotten so much out of this book both personally and professionally in such a recent, short time frame.  I encourage every women whether you are a jet set entrepreneur, a working mom or CEO of House and Home to pick up this book and pursue your dreams (aka burning desire)!

June 26, 2014 - 2:38pm
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