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EmpowHER Guest when I turn my head a cracking a noise in my head??
View Comments Anonymous commented 6 years ago.
View Comments Shanon L commented 9 years ago.
EmpowHER Guest Could my joint pain be caused by my lack of estrogen?
View Comments Maryann Gromisch RN commented 9 years ago.
View Comments Maryann Gromisch RN commented 9 years ago.
EmpowHER Guest Stiffness and numbness of hand
EmpowHER Guest Pain underneath my feet and in my toes
View Comments Anonymous commented 9 years ago.
EmpowHER Guest got sever foot pain underneath and in toes
Kelly McCarthy Is it bad to crack my knuckles?
View Comments kristincaliendo commented 9 years ago.
EmpowHER Guest Is there anything you can do to help prevent osteoporosis?
View Comments kristincaliendo commented 9 years ago.
EmpowHER Guest I have a ball behind my arch what could that be.
View Comments Erin Kennedy commented 9 years ago.

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