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EmpowHER Guest Should I be concerned about a clicking sound in my shoulder?
View Comments kristincaliendo commented 9 years ago.
Lauren Smith Is it normal to have a clicking sound in my wrist?
View Comments Anonymous commented 2 years ago.
Hayden Kennedy Why does my knee make a clicking sound?
View Comments kristincaliendo commented 9 years ago.
Ali Miller How do bones mend back after a break?
View Comments kristincaliendo commented 9 years ago.
EmpowHER Guest ankle sprain 6-weeks ago, it is still painful
View Comments kristincaliendo commented 9 years ago.
EmpowHER Guest lumbar spondylosis
View Comments Maryann Gromisch RN commented 9 years ago.
EmpowHER Guest why do my bone ache when I sit
View Comments Maryann Gromisch RN commented 9 years ago.

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