Encylopedia entry for Natural Treatments for Bladder Infection.
Natural Treatments for Bladder InfectionRelated Ter
Encylopedia entry for Vitamin C.
Vitamin CSupplement Forms/Alternate Names
Encylopedia entry for Uva Ursi.
Uva UrsiArctostaphylos uva-ursi
Encylopedia entry for Coleus forskohlii.
Coleus forskohliiPrincipal Proposed Uses
Encylopedia entry for Cranberry.
CranberryVaccinium macrocarpon
Encylopedia entry for Nitrofurantoin.
NitrofurantoinTrade Names
Encylopedia entry for Goldenrod.
GoldenrodSolidago spp.
Encylopedia entry for Juniper Berry.
Juniper BerryJuniperus communis
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