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Had an epidorial on my L=5 and S-1, two days later could not walk and was hospitalized. Spent 80 days in bed on antibiotics. Was put into a coma for 4 weeks and then had spinal biopsy done and discoverd that it was ostomylitis.
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my son who at the time last year was 10months old got osteomyelitis through chicken pox, ended up in his shoulder joint bone, caught it early spent 8 days in hospital and 6 weeks at home with a picc line, couldnt touch him as he would just scream, and couldnt lift him up. his arm was like a dead arm just hanging there. wasnt nice, high temperature , sick etc
May 15, 2011 - 10:35amany way follow up have shown he now has crumbly bone in his shoulder joint and it a wait and c game now, just hoping the next 6 months go quick, and it rebuilds it self..
trying to do abit of research about crumbly bone as i the doctors as really good i just sometimes i think they hold bits back..
thanks h r
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I am so sorry to hear about your son. For him to be so young, it tears my heart out. It has been one of the worst pains I have ever experienced. Natural childbirth was a walk in the park compared to this. I am still in pain management. Have been able to lower the type of pain med's but still can't live a normal day without them. I have come to terms that this is a way of life for me, but this is not acceptable for a young child. If you want my private email address, let me know. I am sorry for just now responding to you, but I recently lost my father. I am here for you, if nothing more but to let you get your feelings out. Many prayers for you and your baby.
June 6, 2011 - 11:43amAnn
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My 15 year old daughter caught a staph infection, this in turn lead to sacral osteomyelitis of the pelvis, I know exactly how all of you feel, seeing my baby in so much pain, not being able to take her pain away, seeing her on morphine, hullucinating, not being able to walk, having to have so many procedures. she had to have a picc line, so they could give her the antibiotics, after 2 months, she had to switch to oral antibiotics taking over 20 tablets a day, constant MRI scans cat scans, worse of all knowing that any infection could make this horrible thing come back. thankfully she is on the mend now, but it is constantly there the thought this could return.
June 7, 2011 - 3:37pmThis Comment
It breaks my heart to see that children have had to go throught this awful infection. I am seeing that children get a pic line where I had to have a hickman cath. I don't know if it is an age thing or if it is somthing my infectious disease physician preferred over a pic line. I had it for 40 days.
I fully understand the fear of a return of it. I recently had to have dental work done, and I was horrified. Thankfully the Dentist I use immediately put me on antibiotics. I have to have gas to even clean my teeth. My jaw will not open to wide. Without the gas, I would have never made it through the root canal.
The sad part is that it is hidden from the world as far as them not being able to see that something is physically wrong with you. But you know it is there and the pain becomes unbearable. I can understand your pain as a mother because my oldest son had a horrible accident that took 3 months to recover from. It is different when it is you, and it is your child. You feel totally helpless as your child goes through the pain of this horrible infection and all you can do is try to keep them comfortable (impossible), and pray.
So glad to hear she is on the other side, and I will definitely pray that your daughter does not have a return or any further problems from this. God Bless you all.
June 8, 2011 - 7:27amThis Comment
I can't begin to tell you how sad your story is to me. I had osteomyelitis of my right mandible. 2 years later I am still fighting chronic pain. I truly understand how sick you were, and how lucky you are to have survived. I hope you have a great support system because it takes a toll on your mind. You lost a lot of yourself during those 80 days. I hope that your life is back to some type of normalcy. I would be more than happy to correspond with you. Sometimes just having someone that went through the same infection you did helps. You are not alone. Ann
July 10, 2010 - 9:18pmThis Comment
Hi Anonymous-
I am so sorry. Osteomyelitis is an infection in the bone, and would be uncommon after ESI (epidural steroid injection). We have a page on osteomyelitis:
This can be a difficult infection no matter where you get it. Once infection gets into the bone, it can take some time to get it out. It is not uncommon to have to be hospitalized at least briefly for IV antibiotics. Cleveland Clinic has a good page on this issue: as does Mayo Clinic:
The important thing is to follow your surgeon's or infectious disease doctor's advice to the letter. These infections can become chronic and periodically flare up. If you can comply with the medication regimen you are more likely to have a better outcome.
I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. If we can help further, please let us know.
April 20, 2010 - 7:19amThis Comment