Hi, I have a question to ask which I want to be sure about and my GYN told me something but I'm still thinking about it to know which would be the right doctor to mention such thing to. I also want to get your advice about this as well. I have gastritis and I was told it's inflammation of the stomach lining and my GI doctor told me there is no cure for this. Ever since he told me such thing I feel horrible. When I mentioned such issue I have to my GYN as well as the symptoms of nausea and no appetite and having a fullness feeling in my stomach also having pain on the left side of my stomach I was told that in my situation it's a good idea to have stomach biopsy and for them to remove tissues samples from my stomach and to see how I feel after from this procedure. I want to know does this sound reasonable to you? Do you think such biopsy give any kind of relief to gastritis? Please let me know about this soon.
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Hello Melissa,
Thank you for reaching out to us with your concern. I will do my best to provide you with information so that you understand what gastritis is and help you make a decision regarding the recommended biopsy.
Gastritis is an inflammation, irritation, or erosion of the lining of the stomach. Acute gastritis occurs suddenly, while chronic gastritis develops over time.
This condition can be caused by irritation due to excessive alcohol use, chronic vomiting, stress, or the use of certain medications such as aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drug.
Occasionally, a person with the H. pylori infection will develop gastritis.
Left untreated, gastritis may lead to stomach ulcers and stomach bleeding.
Endoscopy is the recommended diagnostic procedure.
During endoscopy, the gastroenterologist passes a flexible tube equipped with a lens called an endoscope down your throat and into your esophagus, stomach and small intestine.
Using the endoscope, your doctor looks for signs of inflammation. If a suspicious area is found, your doctor may remove small tissue samples called a biopsy or laboratory examination. A biopsy can also identify the presence of H. pylori in your stomach lining.
Prior to the procedure, you will receive a a liquid anesthetic to gargle or the anesthetic will be sprayed on the back of your throat. The anesthetic numbs the throat and calms the gag reflex. An intravenous needle may be inserted to provide a sedative.
I hope this information is helpful.
August 28, 2014 - 8:28amMaryann
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Thank you for the information. I am aware of the things you're telling me but I will mention such matter to my doctor next week and see what I should do for such matter. The only thing I want to know right now is would a CT show if a person has gastritis or ulcers? Main thing I know is I have a fullness feeling in my stomach and have no appetite and I have nausea. Please let me know soon.
August 28, 2014 - 11:41amThank You,
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Hi Melissa,
No. A CT scan would only be done if following an endoscopy, your doctor suspected another condition.
A CT scan, which stands for computerized tomography, combines a series of X-ray views taken from many different angles and computer processing to create cross-sectional images of the bones and soft tissues inside your body. It is used to diagnosis muscle and bone disorders, such as a fracture, or pinpoint the location of a tumor.
August 29, 2014 - 9:57amMaryann
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Thank you for your reply. I did have endoscopy done and result said I have gastritis. I still have pain on my left side of my stomach and I keep having nausea and no appetite. Main thing I know is I have pain in the muscle of my stomach which bothers me a lot. Two of my GYN told me in my situation I should have CT of my abdomen done, my GI doctor told me same thing and my naturopathic doctor told me same thing. I'm going to speak to my doctor this week to order this test since all these 4 doctors telling me same thing. I know what CT is and I had them done couple times long time ago. I want to know what do you think from what I'm explaining here?
August 29, 2014 - 8:20pmThanks,
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Hi Melissa,
Follow the recommendation of your physicians. All four of them are suggesting a CT of the abdomen, so have it done.
September 1, 2014 - 9:50amMaryann
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