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Why Doesn't my boyfriend want to have sex with me anymore?

By May 19, 2009 - 9:46am
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We've been dating for over a yer now but in the last few months our sex has drastically decreased at first started to go down from at least 1-2 times a day for at least 5 months and then it went down to 1-2 times a week and then to 1-2 times a month and now it's been a month and a half since we've had sex. I've read a few articles about this allready, but none seem to fit my problem exactly. I was worried for a while that it might be me that was the problem and but he told me it wasn't and i know he wouldn't lie to me. I've asked him about it but he says theres nothing wrong. I just don't know what to do anymore. He's only a year older than me and he's suppose to be in hes prime. Is there anything I can do? I Haven't pressured him or anything because I dont want him to do it just to shut me up. I want him to want to. and I'm just not satistied anymore and im not asking for everyday, at this point once or twice a week would be nice. A far as I know there's nothing he's stressed about at work or school, could it be a cobination of the 2? or something else going on that I don't know about? and please keep in mind that im am searching for help and advice and I don't want to hear find a new boyfriend. I love him and im not leaving him, even if it means were not going to have sex anymore. But it's frustration for the time being as I find it a tad odd that I want it more than he does. and I don't really want to talk to any of my friends abotu it because I live in a small town and this is personal and I don't need everyone talking about it. and the last thing I want him to feel is embarassed. I havn't told anyone of my friends but I'm in need of some advice. Any Ideas?

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EmpowHER Guest

I'm going through the same thing. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost two years and ever since we moved in together we have sex maybe once or twice a month, and that is only if I initiate it. It's been 7 months of this. I don't know what to do. He assures me it isn't me, I haven't gained weight. He tells me I'm beautiful all the time so I don't think he has lost his attraction towards me. I know he isn't cheating on me, we trust each other very much. I know he isn't stressed about work. He tells me there is nothing wrong and that he does want to have sex... We just never do. I'm at the point where I have given up and I don't even desire it anymore.

January 22, 2011 - 4:03pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
I'm sorry you are going through this situation. It's never easy. I would urge you to check out the articles in my comment on page94 of this thread. There may be some good insight for you, and tips to try for rekindling the connection with your boyfriend. Good luck!

January 24, 2011 - 8:42am
EmpowHER Guest

he's probably getting it from somewhere else!

January 21, 2011 - 1:42pm
EmpowHER Guest

( I am a male, have the same problem. ) I have been living with my boyfriend for about 1 year, been together 2 years now, and the first year we had sex every single day almost. Then it gradually went down to 2 times a week, to 1 time every two weeks, to 1 time a month, sometimes more if I am lucky. After getting on this site, I have confidently approached him about it. ( I know hes not cheating on me seeing as we are together 24/7 ) I have gained 40 pounds since we started living together. I asked if that was the thing that was ruining the sex and he said well after awhile it becomes a routine and also the wieght thing has affected it. He is not as sexually attracted. He admitted it. He said he is not going anywhere he loves me a lot and thinks we are doing good in our relationship and that sex is really not to important to him, so in a way this has been an eye opener to me. I am not worried about how our relationship stands we will be okay, but it is motivation for me to lose weight so I can feel sexy and have a better sex life. There are good guys out there. Mine still loves me and will stay by my side, but he was honest and told me my weight has affected us. This communication has been good. I am not mad at him, but more motivated to be healthy, I know this situation may not apply to all of you, but i hope it helps someone. In a relationship it is bad to get comfortable, those little things you did to please eachother when you first got together need to keep happening. They help keep all aspects of a relathionship healthy.

January 20, 2011 - 9:23pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Thank you for your post and for finding EmpowHER. It sounds like you and your boyfriend have great communication, and this has been a positive experience. Keep working at it. It's not easy, but well worth the effort you put in.
Keep us updated on your progress.

January 21, 2011 - 7:34am

I had a friend with the same problem which was unresolved until the night he brought home another guy for a three-way. Turned out the father of her two children was WAY more interested in men than women.

January 20, 2011 - 12:52am
EmpowHER Guest

well I would follow him to really find out if he is cheating, if its a small town i bet someone out there knows for sure, or have you gained weight? some guys it really bothers for their women to put on some weight, they are visual beings, so if you find hes not cheating For sure, then try some new stuff in the bedroom, cause hes either bored or cheating, and you dont see stress in any other area of his life then imo my exp mens sex drives dont drop for no reason.... look deep and you will find the reason!

January 18, 2011 - 11:55am

I've been with my boyfriend for over three years. The first year and a half we had an amazing sex life. He would also masturbate on occasion n it never bothered me. Then we bought a house together n he had alot more privacy. We stopped having sex, from 3-4 times a week to 3 times a month at the most. He started watching alot if porn. When I found out he watched young teen girls I was alarmed and very hurt. He denied it but kept doing it. Then he started hiding it. When I asked him to stop for awhile he would then lie about it. I suggest he has an addiction but he gets mad with me and denies it. I wAnt sex! If I could masturbate and it be fulfilling then I would. But I can't. Well I have needs as much as He does. I'm willing to give him whatever he wants, but I have nothing he wants from me. He seemingly can not control himself. Does that mean I don't need to control my sexual urges for human contact and cheat on him? I would still love him and it would be as discrete as his porn. I have recently gotten him to agree to giving up porn for awhile. He still has no interest in sex or me, but now just masturbates whenever he can. I would obviously just walk out on him of this wasn't our only issue. He's kind and affectionate, respectful and faithful. But I don't know what else I can suggest or do that would improve this problem. It's not like he doesn't have a sex drive, he's said himself he would jerkoff at times everyday. Hes been using porn since he was a kid n it was most deffinetly an obsession at one time. I just can't believe that I have falling in love with a person that seems to have absolutely no interest in having sex with someone they love. And if this is just how he is, do I really have to let someone go based on simply who they are in the bedroom.?

January 16, 2011 - 6:39pm
EmpowHER Guest

I wanted to add for all those going through this too that I even became one of those people who sell sex toys/products to people at home parties just to try and get the spark back. I had everything that was being asked for from flavored stuff to things that vibrated and dvds/books, and even equipment. This was still not enough to get his attention! I think he is too in love with anime and video games to be able to handle a relationship and understand its a mutual give and take. If a man we love buys us flowers and goes out of his way to make a nice evening for us, we return the favor in bed so...if I'm dressed as your favorite character after serving you your favorite food and we finally have a sitter...DONT disreguard my feelings, tired or not-be nice! dont' remind me of where the vibrator is because you're going to bed, only to find out later that you jerked off in the bathroom when I went to go pick up the kids! Furthermore, if we arrange a hotel room for our first aniversary...guess what, either we're on the same page or one of us should start house hunting in the morning! I suppose since we have no sex in our relationship then we must just be roommates and are going to have to come to some agreement/arragement so the kids aren't hurt..but then again your too little of a man to not involve them and make them feel bad so it hurts me and i feel bad for something completely unrelated. But this is how a passive agressive person fights-they drive you away by making things so horrible and when you try to fix it they claim you're trying to fight. I don't like the person i'm becoming, stressed out, angry, and horrible self images issues. I hope all those like me don't wait for this day...if he doesnt want you, he never will want you the way you want because they dont know how...it's natural or not after the honeymmon period is over and people stop trying to impress eachother. No sex -- leave! You don't want to get pregnant and then feel trapped in a loveless marriage where it feels like your fault or until you cheat. men do go through slumps but to stop all together, if not medical reasons, must mean it's time to move on.

January 15, 2011 - 1:28pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I just wanted anyone who reads this to hopefully help them through my experiences...tonight I confrunted him again and once again were given tons of reasons we can't have sex-all which are so absurd especially since it's been over 3 months. We dont cuddle, kiss, or even sleep in the same bed on his days off at this point. I finally asked what sex ment to him and if he understood what it ment to me. He did understand that to me it was an emotional connection and something more than just the act. I wanted to know how someone who could "love" another person could do something they knew hurt the other person and damage their relationship so much as well as just disconnect from this family all together. Finally, I told him to leave and not return for a few days so tempers would cool and there was a plan if he wants back which includes treatment for depression and some counsling. I was surprize that men feel so unsure of themselves if they have no practice in the bedroom...he said I soon as found out he was a virgin that his self image dropped and his guilt for lieing was so great that he feels like he's just ging to disappoint me again and cant perform. (3 mo ago we had sex for 10 mins. and he was devistated/angry/apoligetic) So if there are any other guys who this happens to that would be nice to hear. I've tried to say it was no big deal but guy world seems a lot different and what i see as an obstical is a deal breaker to him. Wish us luck (We started sleeping in different beds not only due to work schedules but he has ptsd from iraq with bad dreams) I know he didn't want to leave but I told him if he wants to stay together he needed to leave, some time off to refresh and not have me be like his mother-I have no time to raise another persons child thats an adult when we have children of our own. I'll update if this path works...I risk him coming home with divorce papers or not at all but I figure if it's love then he will seriously want to work on it and come home. -keeping my fingers crossed for the best

January 17, 2011 - 1:01am
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