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When will i have my next period if i had taken ecp on the 6th day of my menstrual cycle?

By Anonymous September 2, 2014 - 2:05pm
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Its already 10 days late since my last period was expected to happen and i am very worried now.i had unprotected sex on the 6th day of my menstrual cycle and i took the ecp after approx 18 hrs of sex.i experienced bleeding after 5 days of taking the pills with cramps and it lasted for another 5 days.i was expecting my next period nearly 10 days ago but it didn't occur till now.please help me i am very much worried and tensed.Please reply to my mail as soon as possible.as i dnt have any mail id i am sending it from my partner's mail id..

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EmpowHER Guest

i had a pregnancy test 10 days ago with negative result.i felt little releived bt till now my period has not occured.i am confused totally at this moment.plz do suggest any further reccomandation.thank u...

September 18, 2014 - 2:15am
EmpowHER Guest

thank u mam for ur valuable suggestion bt at this moment am very much worried as its already 15 days late,so plz suggest some medical recommendation...

September 7, 2014 - 12:30pm
Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger

Hi Anon -

When taking an emergency contraceptive pill, it's a normal side effect for a woman's period to come at a different time than usual. Some women will start their period earlier or later than normal. Menstrual flow can be lighter or heavier than normal. There is no way for us to predict when yours will come.

You can find more information about side effects here: http://www.serc.mb.ca/sexual-health/birth-control/emergency-contraceptiv...

Hope that is helpful,


September 2, 2014 - 6:39pm
EmpowHER Guest

plz do help.all of ur guidance are required...

September 2, 2014 - 2:11pm
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