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What kind of worm can live under the lens of the human eye

By Anonymous December 22, 2018 - 10:19pm
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My friend has so.e type of worm that you can visibly see under the lens of her eye. She has also pulled a couple of small worms from other parts of her body

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Hello, Anon. Thank you for writing today.

I don't know that one can actually pull worms from their body. Below, is some information a parasitic infection that affects the eyes.

According to CDC (center for disease control) - Loiasis is an infection caused by the parasitic worm Loa Loa. Many people do not develop any symptoms, and symptoms usually do not show up for many months after infection. If you have loiasis, you may have itchy, non-painful swellings of the body that come and go. The swellings can show up anywhere though they are more common near joints. You may develop an eye worm that crawls across the surface of your eye. Sometimes you may see a worm that crawls under your skin. Less common symptoms include itching all over your body, muscle pain, joint pain, and fatigue. Blood tests may show high counts of eosinophils, which are a type of blood cell that can be associated with parasitic infections.


December 23, 2018 - 6:44am
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