Hi, I have a kind of problem and I'm not sure exactly what to do out of how I'm feeling. Few nights I can't sleep comfortably and I have gastritis and constipation problem. Once I fall asleep I wake right away and I feel my chest and stomach pounding. Most of the time I feel pressure in my stomach and feel breathless. This Tuesday I'm going to see my doctor and meanwhile I want to know if there is something natural I can take or do while I'm waiting like this? I'm very uncomfortable out of how I feel and I get scared when I'm sleeping. I'm afraid my gastritis issue is getting worse. Do you know if there is any certain home remedies available from any sites I can look at?
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Hi Melissa6666,
Thanks for the Ask. You should not be taking anything without knowing for sure what is causing your symptoms. Some of the symptoms of gastritis are nausea, burning or pain in the upper abdomen. When you do go for your appointment, explain to your doctor all your symptoms. So he can help you find the right treatment.
June 27, 2014 - 4:42amThis Comment
Thank you for your reply. When I see my doctor I will have to explain everything to him to know what I can do. Out of how I feel I have the following symptoms from gastritis which are nausea, pain, dehydrated, light headed, fullness feeling in stomach and loss of appetite. Few nights ago from how I was feeling I started taking miralax which I have it by prescription and I took it together with magnesium, I feel much better but not hundred percent. This fullness, bloating feeling bothers me a lot. Once I see my doctor I will know more in what I should do. Mean while I'm waiting like this I'm doing a little bit better and trying to wait to see my doctor for such issue. Thanks for letting me know about this.
June 27, 2014 - 7:10pmThis Comment