I have problem with severe water retention since all 16 years. Now I have nasal allergies problem with nasal turbinates swelling as well.
I been on salt restricted diet for all my life and now I learned that this is root of my problem.
Elevated Aldosterone and low immunity made my life miserable. I checked my fasting Cortisol level which were 25 normal range is 8 to 22 and recently find out my iron level is 11.
Please advise me for these issue since I started eating 4 times a day but my water intake is still very low its one cup a day. Even though I don,t drink water but I go to washroom frequently.
I shall be looking forward to your reply.
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June 17, 2013 - 2:26amWhere do you see high aldosterone in your test results, I dont get. Actually you have high progesterone which causes bloating. And your adosterone to cortisol ratio is low which causes low immunity. You need manganese 30 mg zinc 50 mg and copper 3 mg to balance the low ratio out.
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Here is an article on water retention that may help. Its called How to lose water weight It talks about some of the reasons for water retention and some ways to control it.
December 29, 2011 - 7:24pmThis Comment
August 12, 2011 - 6:19pmAs a moderator on this website, interrupting your lab results and offering medical advice is beyond my capacity and role. I suggest that you speak with your physician. He or she will explain the test results and what the indications are.
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Thank you for your reply and I am bit confused now with my blood results which came last month.
August 12, 2011 - 5:04amSerum sodium 142. Range 135 - 145
Aldosterone 28. Range 17.5 - 97
Potassium 3.82. Range 3.5 - 5.3
Calcium 10.5 range 8.5 - 10.5
Renin 12.3. Range 1.7 - 23.7
Cortisol fasting: 25 range5 to 22
Cortisol without fast pm. 393 range 64 - 327
Estrogen 87 range 46 - 607
Testosterone 1.23 range 0.45- 3.17
Dhea-s 4.36 range 0.95 - 11.67
TSH 2.5 range it's in middle
Progesterone 0.63 range 0.1 - 0.54
I am on 800 kcal diet with water in is 2 cups per day. My body temp is always low in morning 95.5 F and during day it's max 96 to 96.5 . I read about Wilson syndrome but my doctor refused to give me any T3 because all my thyroid test is in normal range.
I personally think that hyper adrenal is my problem even though my kcal intake is 800 diet a day from long time.
My potassium intake is 800 to 900 these days because more I cannot tolerate. Before it used to be 500 a day since I get sweaty hands but now that problem is solved since my adrenals are bit strong.
I am not taking any calcium support for long time since I have calcium deposit in my bones. My bone density T score is + 2.5 which is very high.
My PTH hormone score is 1.45 range 1.6 - 6.9 & Cal 10.5 range 8.5- 10.5.
These days I have turbinate swelling problem and my ESR is 40. I am looking forward for any suggestions and any clue with these health issue since my Dr said everything is fine with me.
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Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for finding the EmpowHer website. We are here to provide information on health issues. Advice for health issues must come from your doctor. Since we are communicating through the internet, I, unlike your doctor, do not have access to your medical history, physical examination findings and all of your laboratory reports.
Have you been told why you have suffered with severe fluid retention for 16 years? You mention that you have elevated aldosterone levels. Aldosterone is a hormone released by the adrenal glands. It helps the body regulate blood pressure. Aldosterone increases the reabsorption of sodium and water and the release of potassium in the kidneys. This action raises blood pressure.
The kidney hormone renin normally stimulates the adrenal gland to release aldosterone. High levels of both renin and aldosterone are normally present when the body is trying to conserve fluid and salt. Usually a renin activity test is done when the aldosterone level is measured.
High aldosterone levels can be caused by:
May 23, 2011 - 4:58pm* A tumor in the adrenal glands (Conn's syndrome).
* Kidney disease.
* Liver disease.
* Heart failure.
* A condition during pregnancy that causes high blood pressure (preeclampsia).
Symptoms of a high aldosterone level include high blood pressure, muscle cramps and weakness, numbness or tingling in the hands, and low levels of potassium in the blood.
Cortisol is a steroid hormone released by the adrenal gland in response to ACTH, a hormone from the pituitary gland in the brain.
Higher than normal levels may indicate:
* Adrenal tumor
* Cushing's syndrome
* Ectopic ACTH-producing tumors
You appear to have several medical issues such as nasal allergies, suppressed immune system and low iron level in addition to elevated aldosterone and cortisol. You need to ask your doctor to explain you what is going on with your health.
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