My question has two parts, but both involve having sex with man who has a large penis. I've recently started dating a man and last weekend we had sex for the first with each other. Two problems occured after the weekend was over. First was, the skin just outside my vagina was very raw and sore and almost felt as if it ripped. Second, I have recurring issues with hemorrhoids and after this weekend, I had a major flare up. I was wondering, if the raw, sore skin was a result of lack of lubrication or a possible sensitivity to latex. And could the size of his penis impact my anal area and aggravate the hemorrhoids? Thank you.
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It's the amount of orgasms that cause the flare up cause me and my wife are exeriencing the same thing. We came a lot. More than we ever did!
January 25, 2017 - 6:43pmThis Comment
You should also look into non-latex condoms. I am latex sensitive and used non latex and the rawness issue went away.
June 17, 2014 - 10:34amThis Comment
Thank you! This was the only place I could find a reason for the hemorrhoid flare-ups after vaginal intercourse.
August 12, 2013 - 6:35amThis Comment
Hi Anonymous,
January 19, 2011 - 9:48amThank you for your question and for finding EmpowHER. Sex can inflame hemorrhoids, but not how you might think. When you become aroused, the genital and anal area becomes engorged with blood flow. This increased pressure on the anal area can cause hemorrhoids to flare up. Also bare in mind that anal sex definitely can cause flare ups. Some suggest making sure to treat hemorrhoids, and avoid sex when experiencing flare ups to avoid excess pressure in the area. Things you can do at home include:
- Use topical treatments
- Soak regularly in a warm bath or sitz bath
- Keep the anal area clean
- Don't use dry toilet paper
- Apply cold
- Take oral pain relievers
If you experience of marked amount of bleeding, or excess pain, and don't improve with home remedies, talk with a doctor about seeking treatment.
In regard to your "rawness" issue, try using a water-based lubricant, and see if the problem resolves itself. If you experience more pain, and symptoms, ask your doctor.
Good luck, and let us know how else we can help you.
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I also have hemorrhoids, & I'm currently going thru a flare up. My questions are, does girl on girl sex have the same side effects as traditional sex? Can it cause flare ups?
September 3, 2016 - 2:25pmThis Comment
I'm sure girl on girl could cause symptoms, considering even arousal sends blood flow to the area. Also digital penetration could also irritate or the use of sex toys. Make sure you are using silicone toys, not plastic or pvc. Keep area, hands and toys clean, and fingernails trimmed. Hope this helps,
February 27, 2017 - 11:33amXo PanMinnesotan
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