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Sexual Injury advice

By November 12, 2010 - 3:23am
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I am looking for advice on whether or not I should see a doctor. My boyfriend and I were having sex last night in the stand-up 'doggy style' position, and we were getting pretty in to it, when he slipped out and first missed and hit my vaginal area pretty hard causing a slight discomfort, then pulled back so quickly without realizing, and then still thrusting hard, had resulted in him slipping into my rectum. VERY PAINFUL. It has been over 24 hours and I am still feeling discomfort, and am still bleeding from what seems like, both the rectum and vagina. It is not heavy blood, but spotting through out the day, and sometimes a bit more when I use the restroom. I would like to know your thoughts on whether I should get anything checked out. Thank you for listening, and taking your time to give me some advice. Hope to hear back soon.

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Hi MissCC

I think you should see a doctor. If it was just sore, I might say wait and see, but because there is bleeding, you may have some torn tissue. In addition, since there was both vaginal and anal penetration and injury, I worry about infection if there are torn tissues.

My advice is see a doctor just to get checked out and because it is possible you will need treatment to prevent infection. Thank you for writing with this issue. I'm sure this happens to many women, and they are probably to shy too discuss it. Questions like this really help everyone.

Please let us know the outcome, and good luck to you.

November 12, 2010 - 7:07am
(reply to Cary Cook BSN RN)

Thank you so much for your answer. As I am concerned, I tried to make an appointment as soon as possible. However, I can find no one to take me in until next Tuesday at 10 a.m. I have no insurance until this coming January, and I cannot afford a hefty hospital bill. I highly doubt I will still be bleeding by Tuesday, and as I have called off work yesterday and today, they will require a doctor's note as well. I tried to get in somewhere before 3:00 on Monday to have a note for my boss then. I am not wanting to miss Monday as well, but will not be able to obtain a doctor's note until Tuesday. I am thinking my boss will be upset by my absence, especially if I miss Monday as well. Do you think they will even be able to do anything for me if I have stopped bleeding by then? I am unsure of what to do now, and have some added stress on my shoulders. Just looking for some more advice, and I appreciate it very much. Thank you.

November 12, 2010 - 1:49pm
(reply to MissCC89)

Hi MissCC89,
Thanks for coming back and giving an update. I'm sorry this a becoming a concern for you. Did you tell your doctor's office that you had an injury that you think needs to get checked out? You may need to go to urgent care if that bleeding/spotting doesn't stop or if you get signs of an infection (itching, burning sensation, foul smell, discharge that is not white in color). You may have more options than you are aware of with the new Healthcare Bill that was passed. For people that have no insurance, and need medical care, check this out:
Finding Affordable Healthcare and Community Programs
Good luck and let us know how you are doing.

November 12, 2010 - 2:00pm
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