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Severe dandruff all her life to the point the head bleeds, do you have any solution to help my friend, she has tried various remedies and she is using antidandruff shampoo etc, nothing is helping her and her head is full of sores and the skin peels off, sad situation really.
Thanks for any help you can offer
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Hi Dymphna,
January 26, 2011 - 7:48amThank you for your question and for joining EmpowHER. It is good of you to advocate for your friend's health. Has your friend been to a doctor or dermatologist about this problem. In severe cases of dandruff, the dermatologist can prescribe medication, special shampoos or treatments, and suggest non-irritating products to help your friend's scalp recover. If you need help locating a doctor, let us know and we can provide a resource for that.
In the meantime, here is an article about some remedies to try: 5 Tips To Treat Dandruff
Good luck and let us know how your friend is doing.
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Hi Christine,
January 28, 2011 - 12:50amI had a talk with my friend and convinced her that treatments for her condition would have greatly improved in the past 20 year (she had lost all hope from the medical professionals) she agreed with me that is would be best for her to visit a dermatologist plus check for Yeast Infection, thank you ever so much for all your help. We live in Thailand and I will bring my friend to the dermatologist in February when she has free time. Thank you again for you much appreciated suggestions and I think the web site is fantastic help
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