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Regarding delay in periods?

By July 26, 2015 - 5:08am
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I had sex with my bf in the month of May using condoms during my periods. I got my period in month of June. But now my period is delayed by more than 10days. I also did home pregnancy test 3 days before which was negative. My periods are always regular. We didn't have sex after May. What is the reason for delay in my periods. I'm worried. Please help.

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Hello and thank you for sharing on EmpowHer,
You cannot be pregnant because you had a period in June. There is a myth that women can have periods while pregnant. But this is not true. The vaginal bleeding that occurs during pregnancy is only spotting and lasts 1 or 2 days.
Late or irregular periods are usually no cause of alarm. The only time you need to worry is if you bleed for more than 7 days, or you have severe PMS without bleeding, or you are trying to get pregnant.
Even if you miss you period all together this month, it does not mean you are pregnant. It simply means your body did not produce the hormones to give you a regular period this month. This is perfectly common and nothing to worry about.

July 26, 2015 - 10:56am
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