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Pregnant? or paranoid?

By July 2, 2015 - 5:15pm
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I had sex on June 23. The guy used a condom and also ejaculated in it while we were having intercourse. When he pulled out i felt a lot of wetness around the base of the condom. He said that it came from (Vaginal discharge i assume) but i didn't even have an orgasm? The condom did that break or anything. So i was wondering is it possible for sperm to push itself up to the base of the condom and leak out? He swore that everything was fine and that all the sperm was in the condom. My cycle suppose to come on in a couple of days but i'm not having PMS like i usually have. I also took a pregnancy test and it came back negative. I will take another one probably Sunday. My friends said i should be fine, but i am a little scared. Even if some did come up through the base what are the chances of getting pregnant and do u think im fine? Thanks for all responses!!!!

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Hello Luvchild2010,

Welcome to EmpowHER and thank you for seeking our advice.

If the condom was in properly in place, all the ejaculated semen would have been contained in it.

The wetness was mostly likely your vaginal lubrication. When you are sexually stimulated, your body releases a natural lubricant.

Try to relax because I do not think you were at risk for becoming pregnant. However, if your period is late by at least seven days, then take a home pregnancy test. Test in the morning and do it as soon as you wake up, using the first urine of the day.


July 3, 2015 - 6:32am
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