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Plan B causing super light period?

By Anonymous January 9, 2014 - 3:37am
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So I had two mishaps within 2 months in which I felt it was necessary to take the Plan B One Step pill. I got my period as normal after I took the pill the first time. Then we had a condom break and he definitely came inside me about two weeks after my last period ended. I knew this was right around the time I was ovulating so I rushed to take Plan B again. It was within 12 hours of the deed. Afterward, we had unprotected sex the day before my period was normally due (just this past Sunday-early morning like 2am, so like Saturday night). I decided against Plan B that time because I'd already taken it within that cycle and I was supposed to start so soon. I'd had all of my normal pre-menstrual symptoms (emotionality, lower back cramps of normal intensity, diarrhea, and acne) so I expected everything to be normal. I wore a tampon on Monday because I figured I would have the normal, very light, brown blood discharge that signals the start of my normal period. And that is exactly what happened, so I expected it to turn into it's mildly heavy flow the next day. However, for the past 3 days it has only been the same brown discharge barely staining my tampons that I change twice a day. I have been financially stressed and emotionally stressed and even travelled on a plane all within this past cycle. Been losing weight too. But this is turning into a pregnancy scare for me, so add that to the stress pile. I took an at home pregnancy test today (I'm still on this extremely light "period") and it came up negative. What do you think is going on with my period? Is this my period?

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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anon,

Welcome to EmpowHER. Anytime you have unprotected sex your chances for pregnancy to occur are higher.  Most women that take any emergency pill will experience changes to their next period, such as an earlier or delayed, heavier or lighter period. If you took a pregnancy test when you period was suppose to, then it's unlikely you will be pregnant. Hope this was helpful?



January 9, 2014 - 5:29am
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