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Plan B; Can I be pregnant?

By Anonymous October 8, 2009 - 8:57pm
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I had ended my period last thursday or friday and I had unprotected sex saturday/sunday(1-130am). He says he pulled out and I felt the cum but worried that maybe he cummed a little and didnt feel it so to be safe I took plan b monday(630-7pm). They say that you should have sex a week before and a week after your period because its so easy to get pregnant. I already have a 10 month baby and dont want another. Because of the time frame do you think that the plan b will still work or most likely not? Should I have gotten my period after taking the pill? Ive been cramping, having lower back pain, nausea, bloating but I know it could be from the pill but, always from pregnancy. I dont know what to do, im so scared and so stupid for having unprotected sex. I wish I could talk to my mom about it but shell yell at me and say she disappointed in me and im just scared of her words. Thanks for talking the time to read my post.

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EmpowHER Guest

I got my period Monday and ended Wednesday. Usually my period lasts 5 days so that kinda worries me. Even though I got my period(or I think, could be nerves) I'm still stressing I could be pregnant because I'm very sensitive and want to cry for everything! Will I still get my period at the end of the month again or has it changed? Thank you so much for your response it really helped calm me down a little! I appreciate it!

October 18, 2009 - 9:51pm
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