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Over dosage of Postinor 2

By April 6, 2011 - 2:35pm
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I took both pills in one dosage, is this dangerous or less effective? Also, what are the usual side effects after taking the pills and how soon after? I took the pills about a 17 days ago and now I'm spotting ( not heavy but blood is present). Could this be a side effect?

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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

ps : i have irregular period and i took postinor2 this month a few weeks ago

October 30, 2015 - 9:21pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, I usually have unprotected sex with my GF she's 16years old and she always take postinor which I noticed that her period became irregular, just this month now she has seen her period twice and the third one just started yesterday..Please I need serious help, is it that something has happened to her womb?...

October 29, 2015 - 10:00pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Susan,
My period was late about two days and because i needed it to come cos my husband is coming from a long travel so I went to a pharmacist and she gave me 2 tablets to take together.
Till now my period doesnt come .
When will it come?
and it might be late for weeks ?

October 25, 2015 - 10:08pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hey susan can i know how effective are the pills if i took two of them at one go ? Plus is it harmful for ladies who are not having regular period to consume the pills? I had irregular period and the last time i had mine was aug 26 , had sexual intercourse on the 17 oct using withdrawal method and i took the pills on the same day but 16 hours later cause im afraid of pre ejaculation and i get dizzy and tired for a two days, til today i got no sign of my period ..

October 21, 2015 - 7:18pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Susan,
I had a sex with my Gf after having she got take a Postinor2 and second pill c took after 2days and until now she did not have her monthly period so we scared getting chances of pregnancy possible or is der any solution???????

October 20, 2015 - 11:24pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Susan,

I have sex with my gf on the 16th and 17th 2.00am, and she took 2 pills at the same time on the 17th afternoon 2pm. Then I had sex again with her on 19th 2.00am, and she took 2 pills again at the same time on 19th 2.00pm. How high is the pregnancy chance? Thanks.

October 18, 2015 - 11:28pm
EmpowHER Guest

I got my periods on 17th of September. I took the pill before that, I don't remember exactly when.
The on October 3rd I was bleeding up to 2 days then on October 6th I took the pill again after having sex on October 5th.

Then on October 12th I got my periods, cramps and all but it was sudden. For 3 days I have been bleeding. Yesterday I did not and I had sex again so.. is it safe for me to take the pill again? Is there a possibility to get pregnant because I think I am still on my periods, Im not bleeding but I'm having cramps.

October 15, 2015 - 10:56pm

hi susan..
i take the first p2 tablet an hour after sex but i take the second p2 tablet late 5 minutes from the time that i suppose to take. and according to my calendar, that day is my fertile day. will i be pregnant?

October 3, 2015 - 8:06am

I had sex a week after ending my period and I took postinor 2 4 days later,is there a risk of pregnancy since my menstrual cycle is 28 days

September 22, 2015 - 9:41pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hey susan.
I having sex wit my bf on mon 7pm.
Then i take first tablet p2 on wed 8pm.
I read on the med info. It said take this p2 within 72 hour after having sex.
I calculte time it still on 72 hour.
Its chance to me get pregnant or no?
Pls susan helps me.
I really worry right now

September 22, 2015 - 5:36pm
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