So six years use to be amazing sex then he got caught with lots of porn lots of it younger just 18 stuff and sex started stopping . Now it’s once every six months if that and when we do he’s so ruff it hurts and only worry’s about him he’s not touched me or made me cum in almost a year and I can beg and it don’t help I’ve tried everything . He will turn me down then jack off in middle of night with me right next to him sleeping I’ve literally tried everything. I’ve tried joining I’ve tried starting to pleasure him Literally anything anyone can say I’ve tried. He says he loves me when we talk about it and understands but nothing .......
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Add a Comment2 Comments
Hello, Lorilue. Thank you for posting.
Sadly, if he is not willing to address this issue with you, there is not much you can do. Fighting over it will only make matters worse. He will just push away more. Some men and women will go through this, loss of interest in sex. The reasons can be physical or mental/emotional. But he needs to tell you what is going on first. We have a similar thread on this subject, I'll post the link the below so you can read through the comments from other women in this situation. It can help to know you are not alone.
November 10, 2018 - 7:51amThis Comment
Also going to add I love sex and feel terrible and worthless never being noticed
November 10, 2018 - 1:31amThis Comment