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My dad is 80 years old

By Anonymous July 3, 2017 - 1:35pm
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My dad is 80 years old and his TSH was 13.65. This number is not good right

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER. Thank you for reaching out to our community.

Any lab test results must be discussed with your father's physician, who knows him, his medical condition and how these results correlate.

I can provide you with some general information.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone or TSH is a pituitary hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine (T4), and then triiodothyronine (T3) which stimulates the metabolism of almost every tissue in the body.

The normal TSH range for adults is 0.4-4.2 microunits per milliliter (mcU/mL) or 0.4-4.2 milliunits per liter (mU/L)

Ranges vary from lab to lab, and the lab used may have a different range for what is normal.


July 4, 2017 - 7:08am
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