Hi, I have a very big concern and it's been worrying me for couple of days now. I have something called hemangioma near my spine and as spine I have scoliosis. Due to such matter I was told from one of my doctor that such thing in my situation can Godforbid cause me to have fracture near my spine. I heard such thing is taken care of by surgery and as surgery in my situation is not safe because my scoliosis is pretty severe. I'm trying to find ways to solve this problem naturally. I want to know for such thing do you know if there are natural solutions for such issue I have? I'm really scared and worried and I don't know what to do. My doctor who told me about this he is a chiropractor and next week im going to see my neurologist for such matter but I want to know do you think it's better that I hear this from my neurosurgeon? I keep thinking its better that I hear from my neurosurgeon but I know I can't have surgery in my situation no matter what though I need to find natural solution. Please let me know what you think of this.
Thank You,
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Hello Melissa6666,
Welcome again to EmpowHER. I think you should speak with your neurosurgeon about your concerns.
Hemangiomas are benign tumors that develop from blood vessels.
Spinal hemangiomas are widespread: they are present in about 10% of people. In fact, they are the most common benign spinal tumors. The majority of these tumors will be discovered only incidentally (in passing) or not at all, will never cause symptoms, and do not require treatment. Only spinal hemangiomas that cause pain or neurological symptoms will generally require treatment.
March 17, 2017 - 6:17amMaryann
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Thanks for letting me know. Can I know how do they develop from blood vessels? What causes it? If for example my neurosurgeon says I should have surgery would you know how it's taken care of by surgery? Daily I do have back pain and have sciatica pain and recently my back pain seems worse and also have symptoms of not having bladder control and feel weak. As I was looking at the symptoms of hemangioma I saw that these are the symptoms I have. Could this mean something bad? I will see my neurosurgeon soon meanwhile I'd like to know what you think?
March 17, 2017 - 3:43pmThank You,
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Hello Melissa6666,
These are all good questions and will be best answered by the neurosurgeon.
Consider writing these questions in a notepad, that you can bring with you to the appointment.
March 20, 2017 - 9:20amMaryann
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Thanks for letting me know. When I write my questions down and give to the Doctor do you think it be appropriate I show the paper to him? I'm not going to remember everything I wrote down so showing him the paper you think is right this way?
Something else I'm also wondering about. Since I have scoliosis and hemangioma I want to know is there way for me to find out non surgical treatment? Which doctor you think I can find out for this? Please let me know soon.
March 31, 2017 - 3:52pmThank You
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Hello Melissa6666,
Yes, it is fine to show your doctor the sheet of paper which you have written down your questions.
During that appointment ask the doctor about non surgical options. He or she is your best resource.
April 3, 2017 - 9:47amMaryann
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Thanks for letting me know.
April 11, 2017 - 10:33pmMelissa
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