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Lichen Planus with no relief.

By October 18, 2012 - 8:44am
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My mother has this issue in her mouth and is going out of her mind with the pain and discomfort.
She has seen 9 or 10 doctors and is now being sent to a dermatologist. Any suggestions for medications that might help? She goes through tubes of orabase, and often has trouble eating and speaking as she has so many sores in her mouth. They are like canker sores. They have been biopsied and were not cancerous. She does not want to live anymore.
Any suggestions? Anyone else suffer with the oral sores?

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EmpowHER Guest

I went to a Dertomologist, an older doctor and he told me that Lichen Planus was caused by medication...he went to a medical book and photocopied several pages with medicines that contribute to Lichen Planus...and gave me the copies...I had Lichen PlanusL on my feet, small of my back and tongue...I had four medicines that could cause LP...But one important issue...the dertomologist said that if symptoms got worse...to go to you doctor immediatly...I ask him what worse ment...???...and he did not specify...so...check your medicine that could cause Lichen Planus...if other symptoms arise or get worse...seek medical attention...your medicine causes Lichen Planus and could cause you serious harm...

October 18, 2012 - 4:01pm
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