Hi, I have a problem that's bothering me a lot the past few days and I don't know what to do exactly. I have scoliosis and sciatica and few days ago I had MRI of my back done. I'm going to see my doctor for this next week and the radiologist I spoke to told me something's regarding my MRI and ever since I can't stop thinking about this. It's personal to actually. I was told by the radiologist that I have a few hemangioma in my back and near my spine. In my situation is not safe because of scoliosis and the hemangioma's there can compress and cause problems. The thought of this scares me. I have really bad back pain recently I feel like something pressing me somewhere where I have sciatica and makes me scream from pain. It's a really horrible pain and feeling and I'm afraid hemangioma is compressing me somewhere making me feel like this. I'm in rush in taking care of this matter and there is something I would like to know to be sure of. I'm going to a neurosurgeon for such matter soon and in my situation surgery is not safe and I'm really hoping for non surgical options for getting rid of hemangioma, I want to know would you know if there are non surgical options for such matter if yes can I know what they are? Would you know if there are natural cure for such thing? Would you also know what causes hemangioma? Please let me know about this soon.
Thank You,
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Hi, Melissa6666.
Thank you for your message.
Hemangiomas are noncancerous growths that form due to an abnormal collection of blood vessels. Within the body, they may require treatment if they grow exceptionally large or cause pain. I don't know of any natural remedies.
Treatment options for these type of hemangiomas include:
surgical removal of the hemangioma
surgical removal of the damaged organ or damaged area
tying off the main artery that supplies blood to the hemangiomas
Keep us updated
May 27, 2017 - 4:50amThis Comment
Thanks for letting me know. Would you know if there are non surgical options? I heard they do somethings as a procedure to inject in the hemangioma some kind of anti inflammatory to stop it from inflammation. I'm not sure what is called though.
May 27, 2017 - 10:56amThanks
This Comment
Hi again,
You can check your resource since you know about this. Or you ask your doctor about it when you see him. Keep in mind, what might be right for someone else's scenario, may not be for yours. Your doctor will advise what he feels is best for your particular condition and situation.
May 27, 2017 - 11:53amThis Comment