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if you miss 2 birth control pills during week 2 and have sex on those days can you get pregnant?

By Anonymous April 21, 2009 - 2:27pm
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EmpowHER Guest

I've been on the pill for about a a couple years now. But the other day I was caught up and forgot to take my pill. The next day I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend, but he pulled out before he came. Could I be get pregnant or be pregnant?

July 17, 2011 - 8:51pm
EmpowHER Guest

could i get pregnant if me and my mate just had sex unprotected....he did ejaculate.....but i've been using yaz for years and i missed two pills in week two but been consistent since then & now i'm on week four ??

July 14, 2011 - 4:20pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Anonymous,
I have to agree with Rosa and say there is probably a minimal chance that you are pregnant. Ovulation usually occurs between 12-14 days after you start your period so it is more than likely that you were not ovulating as it is actually a very small opportunity to get pregnant.

Take our advice and just relax. I think you will be just fine.

Good luck and keep us posted.

July 11, 2011 - 11:43am
EmpowHER Guest

hi well im in a similar boat to all of you, i took my first packed of cilest all fine i had my period but forgot to take my new packed untill 2 days late, i had unprotective sex alot in that week, how likely is it that in pregnant... ive been getting back aches, headaches, bloating and i was sick after food and in the car?.. i cant take a test untill 2 weeks and its already doing my head in..... please help

July 10, 2011 - 10:32am
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon,

Remember that even if you miss two pills from your pack and take them late you are still somewhat protected-- not the 97-99.9% from the pills but there is still some protection. Try to relax and keep your mind focused on something else because until you are able to test for pregnancy, you won't know if you are pregnant or not. Pregnancy symptoms can be very similar to those of a stomach bug--let's see if they go away but lets not assume you're pregnant until you have been able to test for pregnancy and get a positive.

Keep us posted,


July 11, 2011 - 6:42am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Rosa Cabrera RN)

but the thing that is different is i had my period and was 2 days late to start the new pack, so i had 9 days break instead of 7.. not other places say that mean i have no protection at all.. but if thats the case then would i get pregnant just after a period when you dont ovulate till the middle of the month, man its soooo confusing. advice?

July 11, 2011 - 10:13am
EmpowHER Guest

I have a question...I just had my mirena taken out on Tuesday, I started my bc Tuesday. I am taking levora. I had unprotected sex lastnight, but my boyfriend pulled out. Am I still covered by the hormones from the mirena?
Thank you

July 8, 2011 - 6:35am
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon,

It's difficult to say because it's impossible to know what kind of protection you're left with from the Mirena since it is no longer inside of you. It's much safer to not take your chances and use protection for the next two weeks until your birth control pills are fully effective.

Good Luck,


July 8, 2011 - 8:04am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi i missed three pills on my first week ....i had unprotected sex all three days i forgot to bring them on my trip, can i get pregnant?

July 3, 2011 - 6:30pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon,

Yes, you can. Read my post above yours :)

Good Luck,


July 4, 2011 - 6:37am
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Birth Control

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